Monday 28 January 2013

Carrot and Dates Cake

Cakes! are the ones that I always want to perfect with! At first I used to make cake and throw it out to the garden... everything was good but the baking is where I used to fail. I bake my cake in microwave because its time saving... Microwave is only best for certain cakes but not for all types for example you can make carrot cake, chocolate cake, plum cakes in microwave. So here it is at last my very successful cake in microwave.


  1. Maida/All purpose flour  --  1 cup
  2. Carrot  --  grated 1 cup
  3. Dates  --  chopped 1 cup
  4. Sugar  --  1 cup
  5. Baking Powder  --  1tsp
  6. Eggs  --  2 I used 1 whole egg and 1 egg white only
  7. Oil   --  1/2 cup
  8. Vanilla Essence  --  1 tsp
  9. Salt a pinch
Caramel Syrup:
  1. Sugar  --  3/4 cup
  2. Water  --  1/2 cup
  • In a pan add sugar and let it brown do not stir at this time and then when all the sugar is browned add water and stir well till its mixed nicely and let it cool.
  • Now sieve flour and baking powder together and keep aside.
  • Beat together eggs with sugar, vanilla essence. Now add oil and mix nicely.You can do this in a mixer.

  • Now add the flour and fold in nicely. Mix it nicely there should not be any lumps.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of maida to grated carrot and dates. This step is important it wont allow the carrots and dates to settle at bottom.
  • Now add this carrot and dates mix to the batter and also add the caramel syrup to this batter and mix well.
  • Now grease the tray with some oil and sprinkle some flour in the tray.
  • Now  pour the batter in the tray it should be just half the tray.
  • Now preheat the microwave for 3-4 min.
  • Bake the cake for 5 min. Mine was ready in 4 min. Check it by pricking cake with a tooth pick when you remove it the toothpick should be clean that is cake should not stick to toothpick.
  • Let the cake cool and then remove it, cut it and serve after it cools. I was in a hurry had no patience so I had to cut the cake before it cooled...

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